Monday, February 20, 2012

Transition to Lit. Review

I've been touching on this by asking them how different articles would respond to each other, but have not done too much as most of the class time has been spent making sure that they all understand each article.

My plan this week is to talk about how to put these articles into camps or points on a spectrum and what those camps/points could be. I'm also asking them to write the summary for Thursday that encompasses all of the articles in this discussion. I'm hoping that they will be able to come up with what amounts to their first page or so of the literature review.

One of my students asked for an example of what a literature review looks like. I had deliberated on if that would be more helpful or confusing, but have decided to show them an example and some resources I found online with guides on how to write a literature review.

I'm interested to hear other ideas for the work-shopping sessions. Most of my students have not been able to give each other much feedback in the group settings because they don't know what is good or bad about each others papers.

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