Thursday, January 12, 2012


I have a bit of anxiety about impostor syndrome. I know that I can write well, and my experiences in the writing center have shown me that I can help others to write well, but now that I'm responsible for not just giving feedback and suggestions but also grading assignments, I have a little anxiety about that.

I have some worry each day that I won't be able to get a discussion going well enough to fill the time and that I'll be left with 20 mins. and nothing to do, but so far that has not been a problem. In fact, I've been watching the clock to make sure we don't go over.

Overall, my biggest concern is making sure I take time to do all of the things I need to get done. Balancing my class work for Masters classes and lesson planning and grading against helping my wife take care of the baby will require a lot of work. Thankfully, she is understanding when I say that I have to go read for a few hours.

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