Friday, January 16, 2009

Give 'em an Inch

I've learned so much these first two weeks! I should be earning credit for English 1010 on my transcript, I'm thinking. The prep time is a killer--but I'm so much more comfortable when I can walk in feeling fully prepared (helps with the spots, too). As far as the teaching goes--I've noticed that when I'm relaxed, the students are, too. They mirror my attitude toward the readings. We had some very animated discussions this week, especially when I asked them to turn it around and argue the opposite position. Very fun--and informative, too. They don't like to let go of their first impressions...

The most important thing I learned about teaching this week is that if you give them an inch, they're going to take it. Big surprise, eh? I'm learning.

I was so frustrated after collecting the first reading response. I had gone over the requirements in excruciating detail four times, clarified it via e-mail to a few other students, and still had 48-point headings, quadruple spacings, and one-and-a-quarter page responses. No staples, either. I went home completely discouraged, but when I started reading them carefully, I was so relieved. Only one student had completely missed the boat--and he had been absent the first two days of class. Despite the obvious length issues, these responses were honest attempts at summary, evaluation, and connection. Several of the students had done really good work, even beyond the required two pages. I felt much better.

After six days in the classroom, I have to say that the most wonderful part is the personal connections I've made. I love the fact that when class is over, many will stay to talk to me about books, skiing, whatever. I love seeing the shyest of my students comfortable enough to make comments during class discussion. Good stuff, that.

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